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Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihr Interesse ein Teil von #NahtlosNachhaltig zu werden.

Was folgt in den kommenden Wochen?

Unser Team sammelt momentan alle eingereichten Registrierungen und wird sich bald mit einer Einladung zum Vorbereitungs-Webinar am 25.10 melden. In diesem werden alle Einzelheiten zur Kampagne besprochen, sowie die nächsten Schritte erklärt. 

Falls in der Zwischenzeit Fragen oder Ideen aufkommen: Wir stehen jederzeit via zur Verfügung. 

Nochmal ein großes “Dankeschön!” für Ihr Interesse.

Mit besten Grüßen,

GOTS Marketing

Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihr Interesse ein Teil der Kampagne #NahtlosNachhaltig zu werden.

Was folgt in den kommenden Wochen?

Unser Team sammelt momentan alle eingereichten Registrierungen und wird sich bald mit einer Einladung zum Vorbereitungs-Webinar am 30.10 melden. In diesem werden alle Einzelheiten zur Kampagne besprochen, sowie die nächsten Schritte erklärt. Falls Sie Interesse bekundet haben sich aktiv in die Kampagne einzubringen, werden wir uns zeitnah direkt bei Ihnen melden.

Falls in der Zwischenzeit Fragen oder Ideen aufkommen: Wir stehen jederzeit via zur Verfügung. 

Nochmal ein großes “Dankeschön!” für Ihr Interesse.

Mit besten Grüßen,

GOTS Marketing

Thank You for Your Interest in the #BehindtheSeams Campaign: Your Contribution Matters

Thank you for expressing your interest in the "Behind the Seams" campaign by GOTS. We're thrilled to have you on board as we work together to showcase the value of an equitable, responsible and trustworthy textile industry.

Your commitment to this initiative is greatly appreciated. Our team is excited to collaborate with you to bring consumers closer to the organisations that exemplify best practices in the textile industry. Your contribution will play a vital role in educating consumers about sustainable textile practices and unveiling the hidden history behind their favourite textile products.


What to Expect Next:

Our team is currently reviewing all the submitted interest forms. We will be in touch with you shortly with an invitation to the prep-webinar, to provide more details about your involvement and to discuss the next steps. Your insights and creativity will help shape the campaign's success, and we're looking forward to working closely with you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or ideas that you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Once again, thank you for your dedication to promoting a more sustainable and responsible textile industry. Together, we can make a significant impact and inspire positive change.

Best regards,



Your registration for GOTS roundtable in California

Thank you for registering for the GOTS roundtable in California on September 29th, 2023. We appreciate your interest and will get back to you shortly to confirm your registration.

To learn more about GOTS or access additional materials, we invite you to browse our website. If you have any questions regarding the roundtable or the visit to Laguna Fabrics, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Best regards and warm wishes!

 Agenda for the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Roundtable 

When: September 29, 2023 

In conjunction with the LA Textile Show 

Where: California Market Center, 110 E 9th St, Los Angeles, CA 


9:00-9:15 Registration  

9:15-9:45 Welcome and overview of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) - Lori Wyman, GOTS Representative for North America.  

  1. Overview of the standard. 
  2. What kind of labeling claims can be made on GOTS-certified products?
  3. Who needs to be certified? 

9:45-10-15 Case Study of a GOTS-Certified manufacturer – David Roshan of Laguna Fabrics.  

10:15-10:45 Case study of a GOTS-certified brand – Vik Giri, Founder of Gallant International Inc.  

10:45-11:00 Networking break 

11:00-11:30 What’s involved in a GOTS inspection?  – Ely Battalen of EWB Consulting.  

11:30-12:30 Open Q&A session – The above panelists will answer questions from the audience.  

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch (on your own) 

1:45 Tour bus leaves for visit to Laguna Fabrics Limit of 25 people – pre-registration required. 

3:30 Bus returns to CA Market Center. 


Kampagne: #NahtlosNachhaltig

Melden Sie sich zum Vorbereitungs-Webinar am 25.10.23 an

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