Release of first revision draft of GOTS 8.0 for public consultation
Public Consultations on the revision drafts of GOTS version 8.0 are live and will remain open until 7th March, 2025.

GOTS Due Diligence Handbook 1.1
Version 1.1 of the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook has been released.

Manual for the Implementation of GOTS Version 7.2
Version 7.2 of the Manual for the Implementation of GOTS is now available for download.

Support Farmers Transitioning to Organic Cotton: GOTS and OCA Call to Action
Join OCA's Farm Program to secure organic cotton by backing farmers during the critical in-conversion phase
Quick links for Consumers
Any individual or organisation is able to register a complaint about perceived violations of
GOTS requirements.
This procedure is based on the core criteria of legitimacy, accessibility, predictability, equitability and transparency, and is

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed by leading standard setters to define world-wide recognised requirements for organic textiles. From the harvesting of the raw materials, environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing to labelling, textiles certified to GOTS provide a credible assurance to the consumer.
Find Suppliers and Products
Use our free databases to find Find Suppliers and Products.
This database contains the GOTS certified entities, their location, field of operation and product groups.
Find out how to use it
Alle mit * gekenzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.
For the search you have the possibility to search specifically in your area. Enter the country, the postcode, or city and the area in the search mask and select one or more product categories.
Faces from Field to Fashion
Faces From Field to Fashion is a behind-the-scenes journey to the heart of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), and an introduction to the sights, sounds, and faces behind every GOTS product. Representing more than 4 million employees working in GOTS certified facilities around the world, eight individuals give us a glimpse into their lives and tell us how they have been impacted by GOTS in unscripted and candid video portraits.
Click here to meet the people from field to fashion.