Marientorgraben 3-5
D-90402 Nürnberg
Approved Scopes: 1, 2, 3
Accredited by: DAKKs
Countries of operation
Authentication method(s) for GOTS certificates
There have been cases of invalid certificates which have been faked or manipulated. Below you’ll find one or more methods to authenticate a GOTS certificate at hand. Should you not be able to obtain confirmation of the certificate’s authenticity, please inform GOTS ( and the certification body about this. We’ll get back to you.
Cryptographic signing certificate
All GOTS certificates must be digitally signed using a cryptographic certificate. Your PDF viewer application should allow you to inspect the signature. There you would find the holder of the certificate which you should be able to find in the list below – one entry per certificate, each giving the cryptographic certificate’s period of validity, its holder, and the name of its issuing certificate authority.
Cryptographic signing certificate can be used for authentication of GOTS Scope and Transaction Certificates. The signature shall bear the name "Kiwa Deutschland GmbH". The name of the certificate authority is "D-TRUST GmbH"