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Label Grades

GOTS-certified products can come in different label grades. These label grades offer a tangible representation of the organic content in textile products, allowing consumers to easily identify and support truly sustainable textiles.

1. Label Grade "Organic" or "Organic in conversion" 

Products bearing the "Organic" label grade contain a minimum of 95% certified organic fibres. These fibres are sourced from organic farming practises, meeting the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility.

‘Organic in-conversion’ label grade applies when products contain a minimum of 95% organic in-conversion fibres, and the entire value chain is transitioning to full organic certification. This grade acknowledges efforts toward organic practises while encouraging progress towards full organic status.

The label grade 'organic in-conversion' is allowed in GOTS only where the production standard on which the fibre production is based permits it. The label grade 'organic in-conversion' will be visible on the GOTS Scope Certificate Products Appendix (see Scope Certificate Template). 'Organic in-conversion' ensures that the supply is meeting a growing demand for organic fibres.

Organic label grades GOTS

2. Label Grade: "Made with" or "Made with Organic-in conversion"

The "Made with Organic materials"  label grade indicates that at least 70%, up to 95% of the product's fibres are certified organic. This grade allows for a balance between organic and conventional fibres while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.

The ‘Made with organic in-conversion' label grade signifies that a minimum of 70% of the fibres in the product are from farms transitioning to organic certification. This label is a commitment to promoting agricultural practices on the path to full organic certification.

made with label grade GOTS

¹ Indicating the exact composition percentage of organic fibre material (X>70%) remains optional. If it is not used the label grade shall be presented as 'made with organic' or 'made with organic – in conversion materials respectively'

Read more …Label Grades

How to label GOTS Goods

The completion of GOTS certification by an approved Certification Body includes the right to participate in the GOTS programme, including use of the standard and the GOTS logo on its GOTS Goods in accordance with the provisions of the GOTS Conditions for Use of GOTS Signs, as long as the certification remains valid.

This section describes the relevant labelling conditions. Anyone who intends to sell, label or represent any textile product with the trademark-registered GOTS Signs, with GOTS labelling and/or any other reference to GOTS (certification) must first ensure that they meet the respective criteria and conditions of the Global Organic Textile Standard Programme.

This user-friendly guide will walk you through the process of labelling GOTS Goods with clarity and confidence, while adhering to the relevant labelling conditions.

Certified Entities

1. The GOTS labelling may only be applied to the GOTS Goods and their packaging by a Certified Entity.

2. Essential Label Elements: Your GOTS label must include the following elements in the given order:

  • The GOTS logo
  • Reference to the applicable label grade
  • The reference to the GOTS Approved Certification Body
  • License number of the Certified Entity: typically, this is the certified entity's license number. However, a buyer who is a certified entity itself and who wishes the GOTS labelling to be applied by his supplier, may request that the labelling includes its license number.
  • Your GOTS labelling must be approved by your Certification Body in advance of its application. We have created a “Labelling Release form for GOTS Goods” which you can fill out and send to your Certification Body for approval. Please note that GOTS itself cannot grant approval.

3. Use label as approved

    Suppliers of GOTS Additives

    The GOTS organisation permits the voluntary and limited use of the GOTS logo by suppliers of GOTS Additives. The use of the logo is subject to the payment of an Additives Annual Fee and is strictly limited to off-product publicity material detailed under section 3.2 of the document “Conditions for the use of GOTS signs. Use of the GOTS logo by suppliers of GOTS additives is administered by approved certifiers through the form Labelling Release for GOTS Additives.

    Protection of the GOTS Programme

    Global Standard, under the direction of the GOTS Protection Officers, investigate unauthorised, false or misleading use of the trademark-registered GOTS logo or other claims related to GOTS certification on product declarations, in advertisements, catalogues or other contexts, and take appropriate action, such as corrective and/or legal action and/or publication of the transgression so as to safeguard the credibility of the GOTS programme and its labelling system.

    How can you make sure you are labelling correctly?

    Always make sure to apply for Label Release at your Certification Body, as Global Standard itself cannot grant approval. Please note that GOTS is a registered trademark. Consequently, any inaccurate or deceptive assertions regarding GOTS constitute infringements. In our dedicated quest to uphold the Standard's integrity and combat greenwashing, it is imperative that we undertake the necessary legal measures to protect the credibility of the GOTS quality assurance system and its identification.

    Conditions for Use of GOTS Signs

    The document “Conditions for Use of GOTS Signs (CUGS)” specifies the conditions for companies participating in the GOTS Programme and defines the corresponding fees. It also sets the requirements for the use of the registered trademark 'Global Organic Textile Standard' (GOTS Signs), to ensure its correct and consistent application on products and in advertisements, catalogues or other (online/print) publications. The latest issue of the Conditions for Use of GOTS Signs (version 3.1) was released on 18 October 2021.

    Read more …How to label GOTS Goods

    How to promote GOTS Goods

    If you are a GOTS-certified business offering GOTS-certified goods, here is how you can showcase your commitment to sustainable and organic textiles while adhering to GOTS guidelines.

    1. GOTS Signs on Products
    (On-Product Labelling)

    Make sure your on-product label includes the following:

    • GOTS Logo
    • Label Grade
    • Name of GOTS Approved Certification Body
    • License Number

    These labelling details must be easily recognisable to buyers, consignees, and end-consumers at the point of purchase. You can sew the label into the product, attach it to the packaging, or make it visible on a hangtag at the point of purchase.

    2. Advertising GOTS-certified products

    When promoting both GOTS-certified and non-certified products, you shall avoid any confusion among your customers.

    1. Ensure accurate labelling for each GOTS-certified product, encompassing both on-product labelling and promotional materials, whether online or offline, used for product promotion.
    2. It is prohibited to place the GOTS Logo in the header or footer of your website or online store to prevent potential consumer confusion, as they may assume that all products are GOTS certified.
    3. When displaying GOTS signs in print media, on a website, or in an online store, include a clarifying statement. An appropriate example is: "We offer GOTS-certified products, each labelled individually

    3. Communicating your company’s GOTS Certification

    If your company holds a GOTS  certification, but you do not offer GOTS labelled products yet, you can make reference to the certification status in your promotional materials. However, you need to ensure the inclusion of an additional clarification to avoid confusion:

    • Certification Reference: You can mention your GOTS certification status together with the name of your GOTS Approved Certification Body and your License Number
    • Clarity: Add a note indicating that your GOTS-certified products are labelled separately and provide customers with the information they need to identify these products.

    By following these guidelines, you can effectively promote your GOTS-certified products while maintaining transparency and accuracy in your communication. GOTS supports your commitment to sustainable and organic textiles, and proper promotion helps you showcase this dedication to your customers.

    For more detailed information and resources, please  refer to Conditions for the Use of GOTS Signs.

    Read more …How to promote GOTS Goods

    How to get certified


    Join the movement towards sustainable supply chains by getting GOTS certified today!

    Certified textile products show your commitment to environmental and social responsibility. The GOTS certification is more than just a label, it is a symbol of trust and transparency in the textile supply chain – from field to finished goods in stores.

    Step 1:
    Inform yourself about GOTS

    Familiarise yourself with our Standard by having a look at our GOTS materials, our latest Standard version, and our Q&A section. This will provide you with an overview of the requirements that must be met for your certification.

    Step 2:
    Reach out to the GOTS Representative in your region

    If you seek initial consultation, you can reach out to one of our GOTS Regional Representatives, listed here. If you require more detailed assistance or guidance on complex issues, please get in touch with a GOTS Approved Consultant.

    Step 3:
    Choose a GOTS-approved Certification Body

    Here you will find a list of independent GOTS-Approved Certification Bodies, responsible for the on-site audit and certification to GOTS.

    Step 4:
    Contact your GOTS Certification Body



    Submit an application to the Certification Body of your choice. The application may require you to provide details about your facility or product, including your location, scope of operations, and the goods you manufacture

    Step 5:
    Prepare for the on-site audit


    The Certification Body will inform you about the implementation and schedule an audit. It is important to prepare all necessary documentation and records for review, about which you will be informed by your Certification Body ahead of time. In case any non-compliances with the Standard are detected, these will be assessed and a timeline for correction will be provided to you.


    Step 6:
    Receive your GOTS Scope Certificate



    Once you receive your GOTS Scope Certificate, you can leverage it to showcase your commitment to sustainable and ethical textile production. Your company will be found in the GOTS public database.


    GOTS certification process at a glance

    Infographic - GOTS certification process

    How do you correctly label your certified products?

    Anyone who intends to sell, label or represent any textile product with the trademark-registered GOTS logo, with GOTS labelling and/or any other reference to GOTS (certification) must first ensure that they meet the respective criteria and conditions of the Global Organic Textile Standard Programme.

     Find more information about the right labelling here.

    Read more …How to get certified

    Approved Certification Bodies


    Look for Certification Bodies that are currently approved to Certify entities of the textile supply chain and their products according to GOTS All listed Certification Bodies can offer their GOTS certification services in their approved scopes worldwide. Approval for certification is provided for 4 different scopes by GOTS:

    •  Certification of mechanical textile processing and manufacturing operations and their products (scope 1)
    •  Certification of wet processing and finishing operations and their products (scope 2)
    •  Certification of trading operations and related products (scope 3)
    • approval of textile auxiliary agents (chemical input) on positive lists (scopes 4)

    Search for the respective scope and contact details of the certification Body and local office representatives that may provide information with regard to GOTS certification are also stated.

    Note that not all offices have the services of a locally available GOTS auditor/inspector. Prospective GOTS entities are encouraged to obtain more information by contacting the certifiers.

    Read more …Approved Certification Bodies