The success story of WENKO-WENSELAAR GmbH & Co. KG began at the end of the 1950s. With the right intuition for the better ideas in the household, the necessary inventiveness and entrepreneurial passion, the founders Wietze Wenselaar and his wife Maria Köllner started with the production and marketing of the first metallized ironing board cover in Germany.
Today, WENKO has strong pillars in the trade: on the one hand, the stationary trade and the steadily growing e-commerce sales, with the areas of bathroom, kitchen, laundry and living. On the other hand, the mail-order business, which has its own extensive range with many practical products in the areas of household, wellness, health, outdoor and "do it yourself".
WENKO can look back on independent development and business that is doing well, and is now additionally positioning itself through successful subsidiaries in Spain, Italy and France. The aim is to position itself worldwide as a quality label that stands for innovation and practical benefit.
Also our responsibility for the environment, the society in which we operate and sustainable action are essential components of our economic success and firmly integrated into our business processes
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- 0243397940
Im Hülsenfeld 10
Opening hours
09:00 - 17:00
Stationärer Handel