Deutsch and english below
Punto vendita di abbigliamento in fibre naturali certificate (cotone biologico, tencel, canapa, seta, lana vergine, alpaca ...)
Abbigliamento per tutta la famiglia dal neonato all'adulto
Disponibili diversi brand ad iniziare dal nostro brand
AlgoNatural di t-shirt, polo e felpe in cotone bio
Intimo: Comazo, Kokon, Saint Basic
Neonato: Pure-pure, Feldamn,..
Abbigliamento ArmedAngels, ByBasics, Komodo, Melawear, ...
Jeans AlgoNatural, ArmedAngels
Arredo casa: AlgoNatural
Verkaufsstelle für Kleidung aus zertifizierten Naturfasern (Bio-Baumwolle, Tencel, Hanf, Seide, Schurwolle, Alpaka ...)
Kleidung für die ganze Familie vom Neugeborenen bis zum Erwachsenen
Verschiedene Marken verfügbar, beginnend mit unserer Marke
AlgoNatural aus T-Shirts, Poloshirts und Sweatshirts aus Bio-Baumwolle
Unterwäsche: Comazo, Kokon, Saint Basic
Neugeborene: Rein-Rein, Feldamn, ..
ArmedAngels Kleidung, ByBasics, Komodo, Melawear, ...
AlgoNatural-Jeans, ArmedAngels
Wohnmöbel: AlgoNatural
Organic store of clothing in certified natural fibers (organic cotton, tencel, hemp, silk, virgin wool, alpaca ...)
Clothing for the whole family from newborn to adult
Different brands available starting with our own brand
AlgoNatural of organic cotton t-shirts, polo and sweatshirts
Underwear: Comazo, Kokon, Saint Basic
Newborn: Pure-pure, Feldamn, ..
ArmedAngels Clothing, ByBasics, Komodo, Melawear, ...
AlgoNatural jeans, ArmedAngels
Home furniture: AlgoNatural
- -
- 0432501473
Piazza San Cristoforo 14
Opening hours
9.30 - 12.30 / 16.00 19.30
Stationärer Handel